Product Testimonials
Leo’s Chill-Out Chair
A life-changing piece of equipment, the Chill-Out Chair, allows 7-year-old Leonardo Smith and his family to eat dinner together. “I can actually sit down to eat my food,” said Leo’s mom Amelia Lawrence, “I know that sounds crazy, but nobody really ever considers if...
Jack’s Chill-Out Chair
Angela Beltran describes her son, Jack, as a social and outgoing boy. “Even though he can’t speak with his mouth, he speaks a lot with his eyes,” said Angela. Jack has cerebral palsy and has a hard time controlling his muscles. “He is high tone and tends to do a lot...
Ethan’s Chill-Out Chair
Christine Cerrato describes her 7-year-old son Ethan as memorable, effervescent and vivacious. “He’s one of those kiddos where if I didn’t tell you his medical history, and you just met him, you wouldn’t actually know what he’s faced,” Christine said. “And that makes...
Matthew’s Chill-Out Chair is a Safe Haven
When COVID-19 hit Manhattan in March of 2020, Michael Peckins decided to use his time at home to work on improving his brother Matthew’s life. Matthew is 43 years old and has cerebral palsy, which causes spasticity in his legs. When Michael and Matthew’s mother found...
Sutton’s Chill-Out Chair Provides Comfort and Support
Sasha describes her seven-year-old daughter Sutton as a very determined and strong-willed girl who loves to sing and dance. “She’ll tell you she wants to go on an adventure all the time,” Sasha said. “She just wants to keep up with her peers and try new things.”...